WordPress: WordPress Features

WordPress is very powerful publishing platform and it comes with a great features designed to make your experience as a publisher easy, pleasant, and appealing.

The following is a list of some of the WordPress features that comes standard WordPress Installation :

1. Simplicity – WordPress makes it possible for you to get your website online and get publishing, quickly.
2. Flexibility – Using WordPress, you can build any type of website that you want. This could be a personal blog, photoblog, business website, any news website, online community or even a network of multiple websites
3. Publish with Ease – You can easily create Posts, format easily, insert media files, and make it live on the web.
4. Publishing Tools – You can make your content public or private, and can also secure your posts and pages with password
5. User Management – You can provide different access for different type of users and its all easy for the admin.
6. Media Management – Uploading images or videos are quite easy in wordpress. You can make live your media files in just few clicks.
7. Easy Theme System – You can easily upload a new theme just using the admin panel only. Administrators don’t need a special training for this.
8. Extend with Plugins – There are a lot of plugins which can be used for different kind of features and these plugins can be installed in just few clicks only.
9. Built-in Comments – WordPress has built-in comment system. Also there are several plugins which can be used to improve this.
10. Search Engine Optimized – Creating SEO optimization for posts and pages is quite easy in wordpress because there are several FREE plugins available which can be used for this purpose.
11. Multilingual – WordPress supports multi-language. WordPress supports more than 70 languages.
12. Easy Installation and Upgrades – WordPress Installation is quite easy for a beginner also.

There are a lot of other features of wordpress. So this is the best platform for a website owner.